Reference's & Success

With more than 20 years of experience in international corporations, my goal is to pass on my knowledge to the next generation of facility management. As a lecturer and trainer, I would like to convey the areas of Facility Management, purchasing and procurement to students and other interested parties in a practical way and bring them closer. Because as I said, Facility Management and supporting purchasing activities are more than just the sum of the FM services.

"From the Business for the Business" 

Hoffmann-La Roche International Ltd

Global Expert Facility Management, Global Category Manager and Global Category Lead Real Estate, Facilities & Utilities. Member of the Diversity & Inclusion and Sustainability interest groups. 

The area of ​​responsibility includes almost all elements of Facility Management, asset management purchasing & procurement, project management, operational compliance as well as the establishment and management of the Global Facility Council.

Kuehne + Nagel Management AG

Vice President Corporate Facility Management, Head of Purchasing and Facility Management. 

Responsible for group-wide Facility Management, strategy development and implementation. Development and introduction of modern Facility Management concepts. Development and management of the global FM network. Locally responsible for the entire purchasing, fleet management and Real Estate Management.

Pfizer Deutschland GmbH

Head of Engineering, Project Manager, Head of Indirekt Procurement, EHS Auditor. 

Responsible for Facility Management, building management, assets and infrastructure and Facility Management service, sourcing and delivery. 

Argus GmbH

Procurement Teamlead 

Responsible for international sourcing, spare part management, logistics and warehouse management. 


Strategy & Strategy Development

A Facility Management strategy and its development should always be done, communicated and implemented together in a team. All hierarchical levels shall be involved in order to receive the necessary support and acceptance. Components include the analysis phase (internal & external), optimization potential assessment, implementation planning, communication concepts, implementation, stabilization and performance measurement. 

A global strategy coordinated with all relevant people and departments was developed, presented and communicated. The aim is to coordinate a direction with both internal and external participants and to provide tools, methods and approaches in order to work together on successful implementations.

The Facility Management Roadmap

A Facility Management roadmap can help to understand where we are and/or where our company is currently and in comparison to the market and its possibilities. It can show optimization possibilities and the way to realize them. The roadmap is a coordinated approach that makes it possible to record and define goals, people and departments involved, their input and communication concepts and to work together on the implementation. Compared to the FM strategy, the roadmap shows more operational details aimed at the physical implementation and follows the overall superior strategy.

(I)FM Concepts

Facility Management is subject to constant change in terms of e.g. organization, service provision and measurement, market competence and capacities. Integrated solutions (I)FM promise optimization potential, which, however, must take into account individual needs. What are (I)FM concepts, how do we recognize their advantages, what should be considered in the analysis, determination of potential and implementation? 

I had the opportunity to develop and introduce both global and local (I)FM concepts. Succssesful implementation of holistic IFM concepts are done in the USA, UK, France and Germany.

FM Toolbox

Facility Management has countless facets that go deep into internal structures and organizations. Interfaces to external service provision must be taken into account, supply chains must be established, suppliers qualified and, ultimately, service provision measured and optimized. Legal requirements must be taken into account, employees trained and qualified, change processes initiated and comprehensively communicated. An FM toolbox that deals with these topics, among others, can be used as a guideline and training material to provide the necessary structure, clarity, but also definitions and guidelines. 

I had the opportunity to development a global toolbox as a basis for global Facility Management with definitions, guidelines, concepts for implementation policies, company standards and training material.

The Asset Management

Asset management is an important part of Facility Management and also sometimes part of the core business or critical infrastructure. This is closely linked to productivity, delivery reliability and customer satisfaction. But also employee motivation, well-being and company identification and attractiveness. Facilities and infrastructures need to be managed. This includes recording, evaluation and maintenance within the framework of legal requirements and operational requirements. Not every installation requires the same attention and is subject to the same requirements and maintenance regimes. This can and does affect costs, organization structure and maintenance. 

Over the years I have had the opportunity to learn, analyze and optimize many concepts. Often based on existing asset management concepts, new and/or expanded concepts were developed, presented and introduced. While the system availability, the system states, the risk assessment and the costs were considered, weak points could be identified and optimization potentials defined.

The FM Network

Modern Facility Management cannot exist in isolation and requires a network that connects the internal and external teams and includes the HR department and, if necessary, the works council. This ensures that experiences from one's own company as well as market influences are considered and taken into account. This multitude of information flows, for example, into the strategy development, the range of services and/or the organization as a basis/foundation. Because only if the greatest possible variety of information is available and all relevant people are involved a service provision will be accepted and constantly improved. 

I had the opportunity to bring together international teams dedicated to Facility Management, experience and knowledge as well as innovations and trans compiling and managing exchanges. The aim is open communication, promoting proactive exchange and learning from one another.

Procurement & Sourcing

Not everything can be done by the internal FM team. External partners are often required to supplement and complement the FM services. This requires a clear and detailed service definition, service description, interfaces, performance measurement and optimization to enable a smooth FM service delivery. Market knowledge, supplier selection, qualification, supply chains, sustainability, risk analysis, alternative partners etc. are some elements that must be considered. Your own corporate culture and requirements and market maturity must also be taken into account here. The costs and the effort involved in delivery and controlling the provision of services are important, but should not form the sole basis for decision-making.

Supplier Management

Facility Management and the provision of services are subject to significant market influences that can be extremely different locally and internationally. What appears to be unproblematic in some areas and countries, for example, can prove to be impractical in some other areas. Market analyses, market knowledge, trends & innovations should be known in order to define the best supplier portfolio for the company. For example, a one-supplier strategy is not always the best solution. Risk assessments are to be carried out and possible productivity risks to be assessed and minimized prior to any supplier portfolio selection. Practice has shown that the grown and existing supplier portfolio is very often "lovingly" cared for over the years. However, a regular review is indicated and brings insights and knowledge of trends and innovations, benchmarks, market opportunities and last but not least, the confirmation of the current structure or the knowledge of optimization possibilities. 

I had the opportunity to analyze and optimize supplier portfolios several times and thus minimize management and controlling effort but also reduce costs. However, due to the current market situation, the supply chains must be given special attention. Because what previously appeared attractive should today possibly be classified as a risk and have a negative impact on productivity and costs.

The social aspects of Facility Management

Facility Management is almost always subject to the complexity of the social component. What does this mean for us? Facility Management runs through many areas of a company. Both internal and external partners must interact, rules and regulations must be taken into account. In addition, there are individual experiences, expectations and assessments, which are often characterized by uncertainties and fears. It is important to be aware of these individual factors and to take them into account. These factors and influences should not be underestimated and can hinder even the most promising FM concept or even bring it down entirely. Any change in service delivery, responsibilities, performance measurement and appraisal will impact individuals and trigger emotions. If we are aware of this, we can incorporate this into our considerations on strategy, purchasing & procurement, FM roadmaps etc. and minimize tensions, risks and their influences. However, it is often not possible to avoid this entirely. It is and will remain a working environment shaped by people and for people.


Industry voices

“…industry expert, problem solver and value generator.”  

Marielle Beyer, Head of Global Procurement at Hoffmann-La Roche

I have had the privilege of knowing Lars for several years now. He is a solution orientated leader, who meets or exceeds all strategic objectives. He spends quality time with his team to coach and guide, while providing them opportunities to grow to and achieve their career aspirations. He is an inspiring team player and leads by example. He has a strong business acumen and looks for win-win relationships. With is knowledge and leadership experience, it is without hesitation I would recommend him

Roger Humphry, Division President Life Sciences at JLL

Throughout our work with Lars as my key client, firstly I’d like to thank Lars for the collaborative and dynamic environment he has created for us to work over a year.

 In particular, my team and I have really enjoyed working alongside with Lars in challenging projects. To me, Lars is:

an excellent team player, a highly motivated and experienced person in Facilities Management and Real Estate, who can create practical and pragmatic solutions, and a highly skilled person in transforming teams and operating models in complex international environments by bringing teams globally to serve to a common purpose.  

 Once again, thank you for your cooperation, and I would be delighted to work with you again in the future!

Sez Kaya, Partner, FA - Real Assets Advisory at Deloitte LLP

...aus meiner engen Zusammenarbeit mit Lars Kriegler habe ich ihn als sehr offen für neue Ideen und Wege empfunden. Aber noch wichtiger, er ist zielorientiert, bringt Innovationen und solide FM-Industrie relevante Erfahrungen mit.

Marc Thomas, Global Workplace Solutions at CBRE

Lars is inquisitive, professional and progressive in his approach to procurement activities.

Ardell Bunt, Head of Sales EMEA at JLL

“…builds communities, broad professional experience, priorities oriented, analytic-, conceptional- and pragmatic mindset and judgement skills, motivated, committed and resilient, cultural experienced…”

Sean Gibbons, Head of Real Estate & Facilities at Roche